History of the 794th

The Flag of Grey Haven 
   The 794th made its name at the Battle of the Grey. The Grey is located just outside the capital city of of Grey Haven known as Speedwell Forge. In the midst of the First Tyrannic War, while the Imperial Navy, Ultramarines, and White Scars dealt the last blows against the Hive Fleet Behemoth, the 794th manned the defense lines of a kill zone set up by a newly appointed general,  Commissar Vladimir Windhelm, one of the only remaining Commissars in the Capital. The Commissar met with the Commanding officers of the unit that the God-Emperor had meant for him. Commander Nickoli Russokov, the youngest son of the Nobel house of Russokova,  his trusted friend, Master of Ordinance Mikhail Kalinin, and the Techpriests Anatoly Alexandrov and Pavel Cherenkov met with their new general in the face of a horrific invasion. Using a brilliant funnel technique the command group ordered a defense line set up in the Grey, a gorge which provides the only easy way into the capital of Speedwell Forge. It was the seventh day of the invasion when the Tyranids reached The Grey.
Map of the Capital District and The Grey 
        The battle itself was hard fought. For hours, the basilisks, leman russ, and guardsmen levied fire into the waves of Tyranids that target the capital. It took two days and the deployment of the Ragnarok, Thor's Hammer, and Odin's Fist to achieve a victory over the forces on the planet. By day 9 the Hive fleet had been killed and no further reinforcements had been deployed. But despite the victory, the Russokov family had been betrayed. The Regional Governor, Tyranis Cremia, had ignored the pleas for help from Grey Haven. When confronted, the Governor simply told Darius Russokov, head of the house, that Grey Haven was not meant to be saved, but sacrficed at the alter of the Hive Mind in hopes that the rest of the Region may be saved. Other commanders and other houses may have rolled over at the might of the Imperium... but Russokov held his grudge... and so too did his sons... and his people would so too bring forth his revenge...

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