Sunday, February 16, 2014

Command Squad Members: "Techpriests Anatoly Alexandrov and Pavel Cherenkov"

    While most girlfriends on the planet earth would have insisted on this hobby being in a dark corner somewhere, my girlfriend has embraced it, started an army, and got me two tech priests for valentines day. Here they are in their newly painted uniforms. Techpriests Anatoly Alexandrov and Pavel Cherenkov loyal service personnel of the armor and artillery  of the 794th. 

Tecpriest Alexandrov (Left) and Techpriest Cherenkov (Right) 
Techpriest Alexandrov

Techpriest Cherenkov 

How I painted them:

  1. Base Coat in Chaos Black
  2. Armor done by using "Mechanicus Standard Grey" as a base, "Dawnstone" as a layer, and "Ironbreaker" as a dry brushed top layer. 
  3. Hood and Robes done with "The Fang" 
  4. Metals (which with this model, there are a lot of them) done in a base of Mechanicus Standard Grey and a layer of "Ironbreaker" 

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