Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Elite Choice: "Lycanthropic Berserkers"

     These special group of warriors are engrossed with the power of the beast. Entering a special pact, these hulking warriors rely on  a special brand of warp energy. If they pass their Psychic test, they are transformed into a terrifying half wolf half man. They have no control over themselves and will charge into close combat with the "Feed" Instinctual Behavior from Codex: Tyranids along with the "Furious Charge" and the "Bounding Leap" found in Codex: Tyranids.  Unlike tyranids, there is no way to pull them out of the instinctual behavior, no synapse creatures, meaning they cannot be told what to do. Finally while in their werewolf state they have a 4+ Feel No Pain Rule and a Weapon Skill and Strength and toughness of 5. What is the downside? Like most people I hate overpowered units and while this sound overpowering, each turn after the second turn, they must roll a psychic test. If the dice add up to be over 7 they fall out of their lycanthropic rage and are removed from the board on account of exhaustion counting as an automatic victory point for your opponent.  I will have to of course run this in game play and get the approval of the Game Group as a whole, but I think these rules will work. I will post an official Data sheet  after we test the rules.  If the gaming group doesn't like the idea, I will simply use them as awesome looking Ogryns. But I for one think that if your rolling with a theme, go with it all the way.

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