Friday, February 28, 2014

HQ Choice: Regimental Advisor, "Master of Ordinance Mikhail Kalinin"

Coordinating the deadly force of the 794th's hail of shells,  Master of Ordinance Mikhail Kalinin is the perfect addition to the command squad of Captain Russokov. Depending on accurate artillery, Kalinin delivers a powerful payload to the enemies of the Imperium.
How I painted him: 
  1. Base Coat of Chaos Black 
  2. Pants- "Mechanicus Standard Grey" with and overcoat of "Dawnstone" 
  3. Tunic- "The Fang" with trim work done with "Fenresian Grey" and "Ceramite White" 
  4. Metals and Decor- "Ironbreaker" 
  5. Skintone- "Kisily Flesh" 
  6. Hair- a custom mix of orange, grey, and white to make a blonde color. Took about 20 mins to get right, so I can't really explain the exact combination. 

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